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Return to American Chestnut Cooperators' Foundation home page.
Griffin, G. J., J. D. Eisenback, and K. Oldham. "Widespread distribution of fungivorus Aphelenchoides spp. in blight cankers on American chestnut trees." Journal of Nematology 44.4 (2012): 316.
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Griffin, G.J., J.R. Elkins, D. McCurdy, and S.L. Griffin. 2005. Integrated use of resistance, hypovirulence, and forest management to control blight on American chestnut. In, proc. of conf. on restoration of American chestnut to forest lands, Steiner, K.C. and J.E. Carlson (eds.)
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Diamond, Seth J., R. H. Giles, Jr, R.L. Kirkpatrick, and G. J. Griffin. 2000. Hard Mast Production Before and After the Chestnut Blight. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. November, 24(4): 196-201.
Griffin, G. J. 2000. Blight Control and Restoration of the American Chestnut. Journal of Forestry. February, 98 (2): 22-27.
Griffin, G. J. 1999. Frequencies and spatial patterns of white hypovirulent and pigmented strains of Cryphonectria parasitica within blight-controlled cankers on grafted American chestnut trees 15-16 years after inoculation. European Journal of Forest Pathology. December, 29: 377-390.
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Dierauf, T., J. Artman, J. R. Elkins, S. L. Griffin and G. J. Griffin. 1997. High level of chestnut blight control on grafted American chestnut trees inoculated with hypovirulent strains. J. of Arboriculture 23(2): 87-88.
Baker, R. and G. J. Griffin. 1995. Molecular strategies for biological control of fungal plant pathogens. in Novel Approaches to Integrated Pest Management. R. Reuveni, ed. Lewis Pub. Inc. Chelsea, MI.
Griffin, G. J. and S. L. Griffin. 1995. Evaluation of superficial canker instability of hypovirulent Cryphonectria parasitica inoculated on American chestnut trees. Eur. J. For. Path. 25: 351-355.
Farias, G. M., C. Gorbea, J. R. Elkins, and G. J. Griffin. 1994. Purification, characterization, and substrate relationships of the tannase from Cryphonectria parasitica. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 44: 51-63.
Griffin, G. J., M. A. Khan and S. L. Griffin. 1993. Superficial canker instability during winter and virulence of Endothia paracitica associated with managed forest clearcut and plantation American chestnut trees. Can. J. Plant Pathology 15: 159-167.
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Elkins, J. R., Griffin, G. J., and Stipes, R. J. 1978. Blight development and methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate levels in bark tissues of American chestnut trees following soil injection of benomyl. Pages 73-79 in: Proc. Am. Chestnut Symp., W. L. MacDonald, F. C. Cech, J. Luchok, and H. C. Smith, eds. West Virginia University Books, Morgantown. 122pp.
Elkins, J. R. and Lewis, J. 1978. Tannin analysis as a screen for blight resistance in large, surviving American chestnut trees. (Abstr.) Proc. WV Acad. Sci. 50:9.
Elkins, J. R., Pate, W. and Porterfield, C. 1978. Utilization by Endothia parasitica of tannins from the bark of chestnut trees. (Abstr.) Proc. WV Acad.Sci. 50:9.
Griffin, G. J., Elkins, J. R., Tomimatsu, G. S. and Hebard, F. V. 1978. Virulence of Endothia parasitica isolated from surviving American chestnut trees. Pages 55-60 in: Proc. Am. Chestnut Symp. W. L. MacDonald, F. C. Cech, J. Luchok, and H. C. Smith, eds. West Virginia University Books, Morgantown. 122pp.
Elkins, John Rush, Gary J. Griffin, and R. Jay Stipes. "Blight development and methyl-2-benzimidazole carbamate levels in bark tissues of American chestnut trees following soil injection of benomyl." Proceedings of the American Chestnut Symposium. 1978.
Griffin, Gary J., et al. "Virulence of Endothia parasitica isolated from surviving American chestnut trees." Proceedings of the American Chestnut Symposium. 1978.
Elkins, J. R., J. H. Wright, and G. J. Griffin. "Rapid spectrometric analysis of tannins based on their removal from solution by precipitating agents." (1977): 9.
Hunter, P. P., G. J. Griffin, and R. J. Stipes. "The influence of osmotic water potential on the linear growth of Endothia species." (1977): 1418-1421.
Griffin, G. J., Elkins, J. R., Tomimatsu, G. S. and Hebard, F. V. 1977. Variation in pathogenicity of American isolates of Endothia parasitica on American chestnut. (Abstr.) Proc. Am. Phytopathol. Soc. 4:108.
Headland, J. K., G. J. Griffin, R. J. Stipes, and J. R. Elkins. 1976. Severity of natural Endothia parasitica infection on Chinese chestnut. Plant Dis. Rep. 60:426-429.
Hunter, Phil P., Gary J. Griffin, and R. Jay Stipes. "Growth of Endothia Species." (1976).
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Proceedings of the American Chestnut Symposium. 1978. Morgantown, West Virginia, January 4-5. W. L. MacDonald, F. C. Cech, J. Luchok, and H. C. Smith, eds. West Virginia University Books, Morgantown. 122pp.
American Chestnut Foundation publications, Fred Hebard, Meadowview Farm, Meadowview Virginia 24364
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